Digital Teaching in University Environment
In Digital Teaching in University EnvironmentAbout this class
The course is prepared by System Engineering group of Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT)
 About the Course
Digital technologies are powerful as well as challenging instruments that can transform modern education and make more engaging, dynamic and effective for learners. The course will be interesting for those who make first steps in digital teaching, want to make their existing course more interactive and attractive for students. The course is specifically designed for teachers and staff of higher education institutions.
The course consists of 4 modules:
Introduction and Trends in course development
Synchronous V Asynchronous teaching. Tools for synchronous classroom
Asynchronous Teaching. Tools for asynchronous classroom
Course publishing, administration and marketing
Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course learners will be able to:
Discuss various forms of educational process organization
Apply techniques of flipped classroom design to their course
Differentiate and select tools for content creation
Create engaging content for their course
To successfully complete the course:
Watch videos
Complete quizzes for at least 70%. Number of attempts is unlimited
Course instructors:
Prof. Leonid Chechurin
PhD candidate Anastasia ChakirÂ
Comments (10)

Thank you for the course!

Dear professors Leonid and Anastasia, thank you for this course!

Dear professors, thank you for this course, it will be very useful for me!

This was a great course - exceptionally well designed, provoking and challenging journey. It helped a lot to see the gaps of my skills in digital teaching, especially towards moving from synchronous to asynchronous teaching. However it also gave a lot of keys and courage to do so.
Applauds to instructors - Prof. Leonid Chechurin, Anastasia Chakir !!!
Thank you the ERASMUS+CONNECT project :)

Thank you very much to Prof. L. Chechurin and A. Chakir. I participated with great pleasure and responsibility. Thanks again for your dedication and helpful content.

Thank you very much for this course! I have just finished it and I can say that it was very fruitful and productive for me. I am eager to suggest it to other teachers! Thank you very much to Prof. Leonid Chechurin and Anastasia Chakir.

Dear instructors, I also do not see videos and homeworks. As for the quizzes, after the first quiz, without watching the videos, I passed the second and third quizzes. Only the quizzes are visible in my results, while the result of the first homework is not visible.

Dear Heghine, the results of quizzes you can find in My panel-->Quiz--> My results
Results of homework can be found in My panel-->Homework--> My results. Please note, that only last successful attempt is assessed if you made several submissions. "Waiting" status means that homework was not graded yet. "Fail" status automatically appear if you submit empty window.

Dear instructors, there are technical problems in the quiz 1: in the 8th, 10th questions there are no choices.

Thank you for the comment. IT team has addressed the issue, the quiz should work normally now

Hi, how can I submit the 1st assignment not in the style of a comment, I want to submit the ready word file not just copy and paste it here as it is not understandable.

Dear Lusine, please submit a link to the file on google drive. Unfortunately, the system doesn't support file upload

Synchronous V Asynchronous teaching. Tools for synchronous classroom
Asynchronous Teaching. Tools for asynchronous classroom
Thank you very much!!!